Certification Practice Exam and Questions FAQ

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How can I purchase a practice exam subscription?

Visit the AACN Store to view subscription options and complete your purchase.

Can I upgrade my practice exam subscription?

Basic subscriptions may be upgraded to a Premium subscription while your current subscription is still active. The upgraded subscription expires 180 days from the time of upgrade purchase. You can upgrade from your AACN dashboard.

Can I renew my current practice exam subscription?

Yes, Basic and Premium subscriptions may be renewed. You can renew from your AACN dashboard.

Can I do more than one free trial?

No, the free trial is available for one-time use.

How do I access my practice exam subscription after completing my purchase?

Access your practice exam subscription from your AACN Dashboard:

  • Log in to your dashboard and select “Courses/Prep” from the drop-down menu.
  • Click on your practice exam subscription to begin.
  • For additional navigation tips, click on the question mark icon.

Why does it say “Test Run” on my practice exam home page?

AACN has partnered with Test Run, a respected developer of practice exam products, to make this certification preparation resource available.

Are there any technical requirements for using this resource?

The practice exam platform works with current versions of all major browsers (i.e., Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer and Safari).

  • Users must enable cookies.
  • Pop-ups do not need to be disabled – there are no browser pop-ups in the platform.

Are CERPs awarded for completing the practice exam?

No, CERPs are not available.

Who can I contact for more information or assistance?

For questions or technical assistance, please contact AACN Customer Care at 800-899-2226, Monday-Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. PT.